It Is So Much More Than Just A Rainbow | Poppsee

Rainbows. We all love them....right? I mean, who wouldn't? They are bright and bold and they bring a smile to our faces. They also inspire a childlike sense of joy and optimism.
So why not create some artwork with rainbows! Here, we picked a few of our many rainbow choices and we amped it up a bit to make it more playful by adding a polka dot background. Black makes a nice neutral color that doesn't compete with all of the rainbow colors but it is still bold enough to hold it's own with the primary colors. But maybe you want a different background...? That's okay, you can make this whatever you like. We have so many options to choose from. Wouldn't this be fun in a kids bedroom or playroom? The colors are a great starting point to make even more designs for a gallery wall.
This is so much more than just a rainbow design, it is YOUR rainbow design. Find one of our rainbows and whatever other image that inspires you, that calms you, that brings you back to that day in your yard after a rain....and create art that makes you smile.
Keep your eyes to the sky this weekend and maybe you will see a real rainbow. Happy, happy weekend everyone.