How Color Inspiration Can be found and How it Sets a Tone for Your Artwork | Poppsee
Happy Friday! It is the end of the first full week of January 2019. Congratulations, you made it through. Many of us took this week to make a list of things to do or tried start a new project. We all want to be inspired to clean up, pair down and simplify our lives...or at least give it a try.
So, we wanted to discuss getting inspired. How do you get inspired about adding art to a space....and how to arrange that space when you have no idea where to begin? Here is how. Inspiration can't be forced as we all know, so just relax. Go window shop or head into nature or browse through some magazines to find colors or an object...or even artwork that inspires you.
We are usually drawn to the colors that we love. Bold, soft, saturated, muted or bright. Everyone has their thing. We found this amazing artwork by Cliffe Briggie in Fifty8 Magazine and fell in love with the muted tones and just a hint of ashy blue and blush. We knew we loved the colors and wanted to build from here. This, for us, was a great inspirational place to start.
Next we are showing you how you can create a space with artwork that is inspired by the colors in the original artwork.
This great space came from designlovefest. The airiness of white walls and table let the muted, natural tones of the artwork really stand out without being overpowering. We love the hint of blue with the shirt fabric in the one photo and the blue is subtle because the artwork is small. The shelving is modern and clean, perfect for a tidy new years resolution. All of these pieces can be stacked, removed or added to on the shelves which makes a fantastic display for those of us that like to rearrange. We would even add a large scale version of the original artwork by Cliffe Briggie to the wall on the tie in the colors.
Art collections sometimes happen randomly and sometimes they need a little thought and a tiny push to get started. In your search for new things in 2019, we hope you find new color inspiration in your daily life and artwork that makes you happy.
Enjoy the weekend!