Makeup Art - All Natural | Shout Out | Poppsee
We want to give a shout out to artists that inspire us and are a little different than what we do here at Poppsee. Many of us are sisters and we can attest that together you can do anything and these two from Dallas, Texas prove it.
Cassadie and Danika Dobson are turning the make up industry on it's side. The two make amazing, fantastical, all natural inspired portraits. Using flowers, plants, pearls, and body paint, masterpieces for the face are created. You can take a look at how intricate this can get, usually taking about 45 minutes to create each time, but we're thinking it's totally worth it.

This look, Pastel Day Dream, is to die for. Pearls? Check. Flowers? Check. Matching hair?? Now we're just fangirling.

Ice Princess takes it to a whole new level. Icy and flawless.
Excuse us while we scour our backyards to get on these girls level.
For the full story, keep reading here!